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This is MY CurriCulum...

Nomor SIP : 01 / IP : 03 – 08 / 1782

Addressed: JL. Puskesmas NO. 22, RT-RW: 06-06,

Ph./fax : +62 21 4526485
Hp : +62 815 8510 5354

Email :,


Associate Psychologist for:
Sintesa Resourcing, Jakarta
Prakarsa Counsulting, Jakarta
GML Performance Counsulting, Jakarta

Managing Director of:
Saint Anna Education Center Cab. Kopo, Bandung
PT Alam Gita Mandiri, Jakarta


 Place of Birth : Bandung, December 18th 1977
 Sex : Female
 Nationality : Indonesian
 Religion : Moslem
 Marital Status : Married, 2 children


 2002-2004 University of Indonesia, certified Jakarta,
Magister Profession of Industrial & Organizational Psychology.

 1996-2001 Padjadjaran University, certified Bandung
Bachelor Degree of Psychology Department

 1993-1996 National 4th Senior High School, certified Bandung

 1995 Pro English Club – RRI Pro2 FM Bandung,
 1998 – 1999 Head Division for Student Council of Psychology
 1998 – 2003 IPPA– Mitra Citra Remaja, Bandung, West Java
 2000 – 2002 Youth Representative for ESEAOR - IPPF
 2002 – 2003 FHI, Washington DC,USA
 2003 – 2006 IPPA, Jakarta, Indonesia
 2002 – 2006 ‘CURHAT’ Column at Kompas, National Newspaper


 June, 2000 IPPF-Youth Working Group I, London, UK
 November, 2000 IPPF, Youth Working Group II, London,UK
 February, 2001 IPPF ESEAOR Youth Forum, Penang, Malaysia
 April 2002 FHI, YouthNet Technical Advisory Group I Mtg, DC,USA
 April 2003 FHI, YouthNet Technical Advisory Group II Mtg, Virginia
 May, 2003 UN: Special Session on Children Representative, NY, USA
 December, 2003 Regional Youth Working Group, Hongkong
 April, 2004 Governing Council for IPPF,DC, USA
 May, 2004 VoA, Washington DC, USA
 September, 2003 Interpretasi Diagnostic Grafis: WZT, BAUM, DAP
 June, 2004 Interpretasi Diagnostic Papi Kostick for I/O Psychologist
 Sept, 2006 Training “Assesment and Developmental Center”
 May, 2008 QUICK JUDGEMENT based on Interpretasi Grafis and Papi Kostic, Jakarta


 2000, “Value of Children Study”, UNPAD – German University
 2001, “MCR – PKBI West Java”
 2001, “Achievement Motivation Training”, Dinas Koperasi Jawa Barat
 2001, “Assessment Center”, Dinas Koperasi Jawa Barat
 2002, “Shinta & Rekan”, Consultant and Management Bureau, Staf
 2003, “Job Analysis for Organizational Development”, PT United Tractor, Tbk
 2003, “Psychological Assessment & Interview” PT. United Tractor, Tbk
 2003, “Psychological Assessment & Interview” PT. Astra International, Tbk
 2004, “Honorees Lecturer for STKS”, DEPSOS RI, Bandung
 2004, “Standardization of Competence Model for Social Workers”,DEPSOS RI
 2005, “Standardization of Competence Model for Social Researchers”,DEPSOS
 2005, Training “Customer Services Excellent”, Topaz Galeria Hotel, Bandung
 2005, “Analis Sintesa”, Associate Psychologist, Jakarta
 2005, “LPT UI”, Associate Psychologist, Jakarta
 2006, “Job Analysis for Organizational Development”, Bank Mega, Jkt
 2006, “Psychological Measurement for Staff Recruitment”, PLN Jawa – Bali
 2007, “Achievement Motivation Training”, PT TELKOM Banjarmasin, KalTeng
 2008, “Sintesa Resourcing”, Associate Psychologist, Jakarta
 2008, “Prakarsa Consulting”, Associate Psychologist, Jakarta


• Rancangan Program Pelatihan Effective Interpersonal Comunication Skills bagi Para Manager Level Madya PT TELKOM INDONESIA, Universitas Indonesia, 2004
• Pengaruh Nilai-Nilai dalam Keluarga terhadap Persepsi remaja mengenai seks pra nikah, Universitas Padjadjaran, 2001
• Anak lelakiku dan Pembalutnya, Parents Guide Magazine,Desember, 2007
• Seks Bebas…? Siapa takut?, Majalah Gadis, 2006
• Selamat menikmati masa puber!, Kompas, Jumat 25 Juli 2003
• Lho, Kok, Hamil...?, Kompas, Jumat, 8 November 2002
• Bedanya Homoseksual dengan Waria, Kompas, 24 Desember 2004
• Internet dan HAKI, Kompas, Jumat, 10 Desember 2004
• Perlunya Mengenal Aktivitas Seksual Kita Sendiri,Kompas, Jumat 30 Juli 2004
• Aku Dan Teman Se-Geng, Kompas, Jumat, 23 Juli 2004
• Properti Pribadi Cewek, Kompas, Jumat, 06 Agustus 2004
• Bedanya Homoseksual dengan Waria, Kompas, 24 Desember 2004


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