At first I wasn’t that kind of person that had huge interest on batik. As I remember, the one and only batik I wore is sarong for the Kebaya in my graduation party. Up until United Nation declared batik as one of World Wide Nation Heritage, I still had no great interest on batik. But then, a friend of mine named Agrina Ika gave me beautiful Lombok’s great batik. The pattern was simple but gave good impression on me.
In a short time after that, another friend, Raiya opened a boutique of batik. The boutique display gorgeous shoes, wedges, clutch, heels that hand-made from batik. All of them are beautiful. I get fallen in love with them.
From the internet, I try to search more information about types of batik. I find out that each region has its own unique of batik pattern. I think the most famous are Batik Jogja and Pekalongan. Then I realize that my parent hometown, Madura, also has many beautiful pattern of batik. In Idul Adha holiday 2012, I visited Madura and found there are many Pembatik (person who made batik).
Though the items are not as various as it been displayed in Boutique Raiya, Maduranese Pembatik could create artistic and fascinating batik mostly in shawl, shirts, bed sheets. These Maduranese Batik, known as Batik Tulis Madura, has various type of color which dominated by red, yellow and green, with nature pattern such as flora and fauna as its characteristic.
Talk about pattern and model, nowadays, batik has various style that suitable for different occasion. Before, batik is popular to be worn at formal occasion such as wedding, graduation, or other party. And the model and pattern are old-fashioned. But nowadays, batik is suitable not only at formal event but also in many daily activities such as hang-out with friends at mall, casual wear, business presentation, etc.
As the time goes by, I started having a lot of stuff from batik. I also get my husband, my children, and my other family to get to know about batik so that they feel the same interest with me. We do enjoy the excitement to wear batik couple shirts. One time we wear family couple shirts in office family gathering, and we become the center of attention. That was fun.
Now I realize that batik is not only about culture and art heritage, but it has been developed as lifestyle, fashion, and even be social symbol status. Amazing!
as noted by Rly and Fzt Husna
In a short time after that, another friend, Raiya opened a boutique of batik. The boutique display gorgeous shoes, wedges, clutch, heels that hand-made from batik. All of them are beautiful. I get fallen in love with them.
From the internet, I try to search more information about types of batik. I find out that each region has its own unique of batik pattern. I think the most famous are Batik Jogja and Pekalongan. Then I realize that my parent hometown, Madura, also has many beautiful pattern of batik. In Idul Adha holiday 2012, I visited Madura and found there are many Pembatik (person who made batik).
Though the items are not as various as it been displayed in Boutique Raiya, Maduranese Pembatik could create artistic and fascinating batik mostly in shawl, shirts, bed sheets. These Maduranese Batik, known as Batik Tulis Madura, has various type of color which dominated by red, yellow and green, with nature pattern such as flora and fauna as its characteristic.
Talk about pattern and model, nowadays, batik has various style that suitable for different occasion. Before, batik is popular to be worn at formal occasion such as wedding, graduation, or other party. And the model and pattern are old-fashioned. But nowadays, batik is suitable not only at formal event but also in many daily activities such as hang-out with friends at mall, casual wear, business presentation, etc.
As the time goes by, I started having a lot of stuff from batik. I also get my husband, my children, and my other family to get to know about batik so that they feel the same interest with me. We do enjoy the excitement to wear batik couple shirts. One time we wear family couple shirts in office family gathering, and we become the center of attention. That was fun.
Now I realize that batik is not only about culture and art heritage, but it has been developed as lifestyle, fashion, and even be social symbol status. Amazing!
as noted by Rly and Fzt Husna