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Showing posts from 2008

This is MY CurriCulum...

ROELLYA A. TYAS, M. Psi, Psi Nomor SIP : 01 / IP : 03 – 08 / 1782 Addressed: JL. Puskesmas NO. 22, RT-RW: 06-06, KELAPA GADING TIMUR, JAKARTA UTARA Ph./fax : +62 21 4526485 Hp : +62 815 8510 5354 Email :, CURRENT ACTIVITIES Associate Psychologist for: Sintesa Resourcing, Jakarta Prakarsa Counsulting, Jakarta GML Performance Counsulting, Jakarta Managing Director of: Saint Anna Education Center Cab. Kopo, Bandung PT Alam Gita Mandiri, Jakarta PERSONAL INFORMATION  Place of Birth : Bandung, December 18th 1977  Sex : Female  Nationality : Indonesian  Religion : Moslem  Marital Status : Married, 2 children FORMAL EDUCATION  2002-2004 University of Indonesia, certified Jakarta, Magister Profession of Industrial & Organizational Psychology.  1996-2001 Padjadjaran University, certified Bandung Bachelor Degree of Psychology Department  1993-1996 National 4th Senior High School, certified Bandung ORGANIZATIO...


Ada banyak hal positif yang dapat kita raih dari setiap aspek kehidupan kita. No matter what the condition is, kita yang tentukan apakah itu akan dipandang sebagai sesuatu yang positif, atau negatif. Ada satu cerita, dimana dikisahkan bagaimana seorang psikolog melakukan satu eksperimen untuk melihat proses terbentuknya perilaku positif/negatif. Dua anak sebagai subjek penelitian, ditempatkan pada dua ruangan berbeda-terpisah satu sama lain. Anak pertama, ditempatkan pada satu ruang yang didalamnya berisi banyak permainan, ruangan ber-AC, ada kuda poni, lego, food-gallery, dan sudut-sudut menarik lain untuk ia jelajahi. Anak kedua, ditempatkan dalam satu ruang yang didalamnya hanya ada beberapa jenis pupuk kompos kotoran kuda, tanpa sudut-sudut ruang menarik untuk ia jelajahi. Mereka berdua, diberi instruksi untuk: have fun! Do what ever you WANT!.. Setelah 45’ berlalu, psikolog kembali pada masing-masing anak tersebut. Apa yang terjadi…? Anak pertama, the one with FUN ROOM, tampak du...
Just for share, as quote from my friend's e-mail: junetty halim anonumous: Tahun 2005 yang lalu saya harus mondar-mandir ke SD Budi Mulia Bogor. Anak sulung kami yang bernama Dika, duduk di kelas 4 di SD itu. Waktu itu saya memang harus berurusan dengan wali kelas dan kepala sekolah. Pasalnya menurut observasi wali kelas dan kepala sekolah, Dika yang duduk di kelas unggulan, tempat penggemblengan anak-anak berprestasi itu, waktu itu justru tercatat sebagai anak yang bermasalah. Saat saya tanyakan apa masalah Dika, guru dan kepala sekolah justru menanyakan apa yang terjadi di rumah sehingga anak tersebut selalu murung dan menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu belajar di kelas hanya untuk melamun. Prestasinya kian lama kian merosot. Dengan lemah lembut saya tanyakan kepada Dika: "Apa yang kamu inginkan ?" Dika hanya menggeleng. "Kamu ingin ibu bersikap seperti apa ?" tanya saya. "Biasa-biasa saja" jawab Dika singkat. Beberapa kali saya berdiskusi dengan wali...
to those who read my blog.. dear all, how are you today? hopefully, all you guys are in your very best condition. hmmm,it's been so long for me not to play with my blog.lots of things i need to share with you guys.might it'll be inspired you,but it might be something no need to share... these couple of weeks,I've been back to work profesionally as a psychologist. thanks GOD,that I still got the chance to get back on to 'the right track'. I started with the arrangment for my Psychologist License for support my profesional carier. I got it. then some friends has sent the information due to job vacant at her office. SO I'd propose my self,and start right away to take client at their office. It's been going to one month by this week.. It has improve me a lot,spesifically has improved my self esteem,my pride and my competence as a HR SPECIALIST. God, How I love my work...

want to try...? c'mon!

Did you think that Breastmilk is only for feeding baby? As breastmilk is “clean” and has anti-bacterial & healing properties, have you considered other great uses for it? Here are some that you can try! [Note: Suitable for babies & children, and even adults!] Eye infections / Conjuctivitis ("Pink Eye"): Squirt into the eye. Do this as frequently as possible until healed. If the baby/child doesn’t allow you to squirt breastmilk into his eye, then do it while they are sleeping. Squirt around the crease of closed eyes, then gently lift the lids to allow the breastmilk to seep into the eye. Sore/cracked nipples: Rub into nipples after feedings and air dry. Scratches/Scrapes/Cuts: Squirt & clean wound first with the breastmilk; then apply some more on wound and air dry. This is really great when on outings where no ready water supply is available. If the cut is on the lips or mouth area, healing will be especially easy for a breastfeeding baby or child. Ju...


one of big issues at our house is about the toilet training. Arfan,3,5years old, still having difficulties to manage his 'toilet' things. while,he has one little sister that-might- have toilet training earlier than he did. hmmmm,how should I manage their toilet training? here some tips from: What Is Readiness? Age: Your child should be at least 20 months old and preferably 2 years old or older. Physical readiness: Your child should be able to pick up objects, lower and raise his or her pants, and walk from room to room easily. Bladder readiness: Your child should already be staying dry for several hours at a time, urinating about four to six times a day, and completely emptying his or her bladder. If your child is still wetting a small amount frequently (7 to 10 times a day), you should wait. Language readiness: Your child should understand your toileting words, words like "wet," "dr...

To become an effective parent

Do you know,that Research Shows Parent Involvement in Education Important To Student Success? hmmm,despite of very expensive cost of children's education,there's one important thing that frequently get our attention. It is no wonder that parent involvement with the schools has become a major educational issue. This is an era of concern about the quality of education in this country. States are taking a greater role in monitoring and maintaining academic standards. Communities are ever more watchful of the expense of public education. Local schools are concerned about continuing to provide high-quality teaching and other services with dwindling resources. And parents want assurance that their children will receive adequate preparation to lead rewarding adult lives. A recent review of the research literature by Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory found that, "clearly, parent involvement is effective in fostering achievement and affective gains at all levels...

my child,be HEALTHY...

Grow Up Strong -- Teach Proper Dental Care Early Not only will a healthy smile, fresh breath, and strong teeth contribute to your child's overall health, confidence, and self-esteem, but good oral health also will help him avoid gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss and a host of other serious health problems in adulthood, including heart disease. RealAge Projection: Regular brushing and flossing are healthy habits no child can afford to skip. In fact, kids who stick with daily flossing and brushing in adulthood can shave as much as 6.4 years off their age. When they’re turning 40, their RealAge will still be in their early 30s. By starting good dental habits early, even before the first tooth appears, your child will find it easier to stick with those good habits forever. Take the time to instruct, supervise, and motivate your child to establish good oral-health habits early. That includes regular trips to the dentist, beginning with the appearance of the first tooth. Becaus...